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Saturday, November 10, 2012

I'm thankful for


Sometimes he is a little crazy but I couldn't love anyone more! He has absolutely changed my life and has changed my marriage all for the better.
I love reading to him and tucking him into bed every night. I love that he cuddles and gives me wet slobbery kisses. He makes me feel so good when he runs with open arms to give me a hug when I return home.
I love our conversations together, even though I don't understand his babbling.
He is so smart, adventurous and determined. He has a wild amount of energy at night time and loves to play hide and seek.

Even though its hard not to get frustrated at times and it seems like my patience needs to be endless. I need to remember all of the day to day things and the little details.

I am so thankful for my little Patrick and that I get to be his mom.