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Monday, April 2, 2012

It is the first monday of a new month and I am excited to start off the month right.  I had a fantastic weekend and I sure hope you had a great weekend too.

A few weeks ago, my sister in law delivered a cute little baby boy. I was honored that she asked me to take Grayson's newborn photos and loved every single moment. Sometimes, I feel a little more pressure when I do photos for my family, but I think they turned out pretty good.  When there is a beautiful baby involved, it's hard to have a bad picture, no matter what.


  1. They turned out so good, I love them! Thank you for taking the time to take his pics, you did such a good job! I love them all and I love the one with all 3 of them. Thanks again!

  2. These are beautiful Leslie! What a cute baby! and Lindsay looks amazing!
