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Monday, January 21, 2013

overcoming negativity and hard work

I get so wrapped up in all of the business side of photography, that I forget why I love it so much. Isn't the whole point of this suppose to make me happy?

Some photographers work is amazing, and I am in awe of how wonderful their images are. I ask myself "How did they do that? I want to do that too." I feel very inspired by others work, but at the same time I get bogged down by feeling inadequate. It is easy to compare someones middle to your beginning. But how fair is that?

Not enough money or not enough time are just a few of the excuses I tell myself. But then I get overwhelmed and lack any motivation to improve. The only thing that will make any difference is work. A little bit of work at something is better then nothing at all. But where do you get that drive and confidence to pick yourself up and keep going?

I wish that I had all the wisdom in the world on how to get out of a rut. Is anyone an expert? I have been working hard this last week to overcome the negativity and rise above. I have had moments where I have felt like I might drown, but I don't give up. A few things that have helped me is:

Set goals: I write all of my goals down in a notebook and I look at them a lot. Some of my goals are big dreams! But others are daily and weekly goals. Little things that I can achieve and see immediate progress. It is important to see progress. It keeps us motivated.

Create an inspiration board: I have set up many places so that I can be inspired. I have a notebook filled with ideas, my phone is filled with saved pictures that I love, and my computer has several bookmarks of websites. I work hard to surround myself with motivating photos and ideas.

Take a mental break: I need to shut down my computer, turn off pinterest and just enjoy "the now." I will sit down for dinner with a promise to my husband that I will not talk about anything photography and enjoy being with my family. No stress, no emails, no thoughts about work. It feels good and it is very refreshing.

Check yourself: I tend to forget all of the progress I have made. I am planning so far into the future and thinking about what is next for my business that I don't notice all the good things that have happened. But it is not all about the good. Remembering the mistakes I have made has helped me become a much better photographer.

It doesn't have to be something creative or relate to business. Finding the time to exercising, that huge pile of laundry, any of those tasks that are not getting done. If you have been feeling a little discouraged and don't know where to even begin, I encourage you to think of something, even if it is tiny, that you can do today to help you reach your ultimate goal.

1 comment:

  1. very well said. sometimes we forget how important it is to stop rushing and working so hard and just be. :)
