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Monday, June 10, 2013

today...oh what a day!

I am not exactly sure where all of the time goes. I have always been able to find time to blog and to do my work but lately it is 11:00 at night before I have time for myself. Since we have moved, I have been trying to transition Patrick into his toddler bed. Who would have thought it would take 2 hours to get him to sleep. He literally gets out of bed a thousand times thinking that you are playing a game with him. And since Tyler will not be back for another three weeks, I am working hard to find all of the patience I possible can.
Also, we started swim lessons today and he managed to make that completely embarrassing by throwing his plastic toy boat and hitting another little baby in class. So I say again, to that mother and all that maybe hit by flying toys in the future, I am sorry for Patrick's enjoyment in throwing his toys.
Needless to say, I am falling a little behind in my blogging. But I did not want to end the night with out a post, so in the effort to stick to my goal, I will post a "sneak peak" of what is to come on Wednesday! Tomorrow I have a fun post about shutter speed and how I am learning to understand my camera better.

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